28 Mar 2019

Credit Suisse Confirm Image Sensor Upgrades

A recent report by Credit Suisse advises that image sensor manufacturers plan to roll out 64MPixel sensors in 2019 and 108MPixel sensors in 2020.

Samsung Image Sensors

These next-generation resolutions will serve as upgrades to the current flagship 48MPixel smartphone sensors and further substantiates industry reports and Qualcomm’s expectation regarding improving camera resolutions.

The report details additional smartphone camera market trends as imaging capability remains a key marketing tool for smartphone vendors. Analysts at Credit Suisse note that SMA adoption will surge as camera lenses continue to increase in size and weight. This demand is said to be exacerbated as manufacturers add glass components to lenses to achieve larger apertures. This will enhance low-light photography as more light can be captured.

The leading financial services company maintains the importance of SMA adoption.

Credit Suisse reiterate that demand is increasing for Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) OIS over VCM-type actuators in response to the increasing size and number of lenses.